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Home » 5 Motorcycle Safety Tips
June 28, 2021

5 Motorcycle Safety Tips

Motorcycle seasons is in full swing. Motorcycles are a thrilling experience, even for the seasoned pros. But new and experienced riders are vulnerable to serious injury every time they go out. Here are 5 tips to stay safe while on the open road.

Man on motorcycle

1)      Buy the right helmet

Not all states require helmets, but The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates 1,872 motorcyclists’ lives were saved by wearing helmets. When buying a helmet ensure it is DOT-compliant and fits properly. Determining how a helmet should fit can be read about here.

2)      Gear up 

Dress the part of a rider with bright or reflective colors, durable materials, and a hefty coat. Ensure your boots cover your ankles and wear gloves.

3)      Take the class

All new riders should take the motorcycle safety course. Even experienced riders should consider taking a refresher course to stay sharp. Plus, refreshers may be eligible for insurance discounts depending on your carrier.

4)      Know the weather and your limits

For most riders, rain or snow riding is not fun. Even the lightest rain can pose danger. Plan your trip according to the forecast and know your comfort level and realistic experience level with weather riding.

5)      Pre-ride check

A pre-ride check is a few simple steps. Check lights, tire pressure, and fluids.

Categories: Auto Insurance

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