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Home » How to Insure Your Brewery’s Outdoor Spaces and Beer Gardens
July 31, 2024

How to Insure Your Brewery’s Outdoor Spaces and Beer Gardens

Outdoor spaces at breweries have become increasingly popular, offering unique advantages for both business owners and patrons. Whether it’s a cozy beer garden, a sun-drenched patio or a spacious outdoor seating area, these spaces can enhance your brewery’s brand and attract more customers. But these outdoor spaces come unique risks that brewery owners must address. From unpredictable weather to accidents involving customers or staff, the need for insurance coverage is paramount. brewery, köthen, architecture, outdoor brewery

What Types of Insurance Do Breweries Need?

Breweries should consider the following types of coverage:

  • General liability insurance can financially cover third-party injury or property damage claims related to your brewery operations, such as slip-and-fall accidents or illnesses.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance can offer financial coverage for employee injuries or illnesses that occur on the job.
  • Business interruption coverage can protect against income loss if your brewery shuts down unexpectedly due to a covered event.
  • Commercial auto insurance can financially protect vehicles used for business purposes, including delivery trucks.
  • Commercial property insurance can help financially cover physical damage to your brewery property, including equipment and buildings.
  • Cyber liability insurance can help mitigate risks related to data breaches and cyberattacks.
  • Employment practices liability insurance can cover legal expenses related to employment disputes.
  • Equipment breakdown coverage can financially protect brewery equipment if equipment breakdowns occur.
  • Liquor liability insurance can help financially cover alcohol-related risks, such as claims arising from serving alcohol to customers.

Remember that specific insurance requirements vary by state and contractual obligations, so consult an insurance agent to tailor coverage to your brewery’s needs.

How Can Breweries Reduce Liability Risks in Beer Gardens?

Breweries can take the following steps to reduce liability in beer gardens and outdoor spaces:

  • Follow guidelines. Adhere to public health and safety guidelines provided by local and state governments.
  • Clear pathways. If you’ve made creative adaptations like installing tents, fire pits or new seating, help ensure clear pathways and mark obstacles to prevent slips, trips and falls.
  • Hire security staff. Consider hiring additional security staff during peak hours or special events. A visible security presence can deter troublemakers and maintain a controlled atmosphere.
  • Train staff. Train bartenders and servers to recognize signs of intoxication. Log incidents promptly, including patron entry and exit times.

Insurance for Breweries and Beer Gardens in Rochester, NY

Contact Paris-Kirwan Insurance to discuss insurance for your brewery or beer garden. We can make coverage recommendations based on your specific operations and potential risks.

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

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