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July 31, 2024

How to Insure Your Brewery’s Outdoor Spaces and Beer Gardens

Outdoor spaces at breweries have become increasingly popular, offering unique advantages for both business owners and patrons. Whether it’s a cozy beer garden, a sun-drenched patio or a spacious outdoor seating area, these spaces can enhance your brewery’s brand and attract more customers. But these outdoor spaces come unique risks that brewery owners must address. […]
May 4, 2023

Welcome to Our New Website

Our dedicated staff of insurance professionals are here to assist you in securing an insurance policy to protect you and your loved ones for years to come. With a vast knowledge of our many carriers, we are equipped to shop for the best policy to suit your needs. Our job is to help you navigate […]
October 1, 2021

How to Put Out a Grease Fire

In honor of Fire Prevention Week from October 3rd through the 9th let’s talk about a common household hazard, the grease fire. Even seasoned cooks may find themselves in sticky situations with grease. Grease fires are one of the hardest to put out, here are the best ways to attempt to put one out.  1) […]
September 30, 2021

US Treasury Departments New Actions Against Ransomware

We stress the need for cyber protection a lot here at Paris Kirwan. But we seriously mean it! While writing and gathering information for this blog, my news feed is packed with new articles regarding cyberattacks and safety. It seems every time I refresh my page a new article has been posted.   Businesses are […]
August 18, 2021

The kids moved out, are they covered under my insurance?

The kids are off to college, whether in a dorm or renting an apartment you may wonder if their personal property is covered under your insurance. To make this an easy guide we broke it into three parts.  If they live in a dorm: Their property is covered by your homeowner’s policy. If they live […]
August 13, 2021

Do crime rates affect insurance rates?

With news of an uptick in violence across the country, we wondered, does crime affect insurance rates? We asked our internal experts, and the simple answer is yes, and here is how. Auto Insurance When calculating your auto rates, insurance takes in several factors, some of which are considered “non-driving” factors. These are factors such […]
July 25, 2021

Post-Pandemic Workforce Trends Could Lead to Liability

Though retail and restaurants have been hit particularly hard by the lack of employees this year, technology, insurance, healthcare and other skilled-worker sectors are also struggling to find qualified employees. The result is twofold: Some employers are increasing their training programs to get workers the skills they need, while other employers are hiring any warm […]
July 19, 2021

What is E&O Insurance?

Errors and Omissions insurance (E&O) is a type of professional liability insurance that protects businesses and its workers against claims for negligence or inadequate work. This coverage is suggested for businesses that provide professional services such as a consultant. E&O will often cover both court and settlement costs related to a suit. This does not […]
July 8, 2021

4 Tips for Safe Remote Work

Although work from home was a necessity during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems to be a new normal for the workforce with many companies choosing to keep remote options. A Gartner survey reports that 80% of companies plan on allowing their employees to work remotely at least part-time, 47% will allow employees to work […]
July 8, 2021

How FEMA’s Risk Rating 2.0 is Changing the Flood Industry

FEMA has been releasing information on Risk Rating 2.0: Equity in Action; their new pricing methodology for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Equity in Action is set to be implemented starting October 1st, 2021, for new policies and renewals starting April 2022. FEMA states that Equity in Action uses the “best practices and cutting-edge […]

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