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June 16, 2021

Siemens Gamesa announces plan to reduce cost of “green” hydrogen

Renewable energy has continued to grow in popularity as a ‘green’ alternative to its nonrenewable counterparts. Siemens Gamesa, a global wind turbine company based in Spain, has laid out a plan to lower the cost of producing “green” hydrogen. Hydrogen can be used in sectors from industry to transportation and can be produced in several […]
June 10, 2021

Explaining The Types of Perils

  James did another Q&A discussing the different types of perils pertaining to homeowners insurance. 
June 4, 2021

National Insurance Awareness Day

June 28th, 2021 is National Insurance Awareness Day. This day started for small businesses to serve as a reminder to review their insurance policies and assess their risk. We here at Paris Kirwan Associates think this day can serve as a reminder to everyone, not just businesses, to make sure they have the best coverages […]
May 10, 2021

White Houses’ 100-day cyberattack plan unveiled

The White House recently unveiled a 100-day plan for protecting the United States power grid from cyberattacks. One focus of the Biden administration is to improve our cyber defense; this plan is one step toward that promise. In 2015 Ukraine’s power grid was targeted by hackers. This attack was the first successful cyberattack on a […]
April 13, 2021

Picking The Best Boat Insurance

With an increasing desire to be outdoors, the boat industry is booming. According to Manufacturers Association, retail sales of new powerboats increased about 12% last year. You may have found yourself mindlessly scrolling through ads for boats or other outdoor toys while stuck inside in 2020, you are not alone. With an increase in boat […]

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